Issue Position: Taxes and Economy

Issue Position

We need tax policies that are fair and transparent. We must continue to bring tax fairness and fiscal responsibility back to Minnesota. We must close corporate tax loopholes and make sure that everyone--including the small group of people who earn over $500,000 per year--pay their fair share in taxes.

"We need tax policies that are fair and transparent...I will keep working to make sure that everyone pays his fair share so no one is overburdened."

In 2013, Minnesota raised income taxes by 2% on income over $150,000 for a single earner or $250,000 for a couple (note: only the income over those levels--not the earner's entire income--is subject to the higher rate.) We also closed corporate tax loopholes. We used this money to build a stronger state.

We also reduced taxes for more than 2,000,000 middle-income Minnesotans through conforming to the federal tax code and through direct property tax refunds.

No one likes to pay taxes, but most Minnesotans are willing to pay so long as they know their taxes are fair and that the money is well spent.

I will continue to work to make Minnesota's tax code to make it more transparent, easier to use, and more fair.
